{Lifestyle Portraiture} Sneak Peek - The S family - 3P's for having a good time | Aurora Family Photographer

October 03, 2011

I always worry before a photo shoot involving kids. How am I going to occupy them? Distract them, keep them engaged while I peer into their faces with a camera? How do I ensure they have a good time and not hate me!!! :) - I like being "liked" - after all, happy kids = happy parents, right!

Well! I did not have to worry too much during my latest shoot. It had three elements very important for a successful photo shoot :-
1) Park!
2) Play!
3) Photos!

Little Ms.K was a natural. It also helped that mom choose a park that she was very familiar with. So while little Ms.K played in the park, I clicked photos ;)

So S family, thanks for a wonderful morning and enjoy your sneak peak!
I love the play of shadows on her face! - they match her dress :)