---- Warning - this is a long long post with tons of pictures ---
For those of you following the MJ family, know that we love animals - wild and domesticated. Most of our travel jaunts involve animals at some level. Be it seeing coyoties and bears while hiking like we did during our summer trip, observing the great blue heron during an afternoon walk, or spotting frogs during a swim in the lake. We love the unexpected animal sighting but also enjoy a visit to the zoo. So much so that when we travel to other large cities we try and take in a quick trip to the zoo to get our fill of animals. Most zoos including the local ones in Chicago have the typical old favorities - lions, tigers, bears and the like. But we were in for a treat when we visited the zoo during an weekend getaway trip (check the next post on the getaway details ;)). We saw animals that we had not heard or seen before. It was a great experience as we learnt something new and rediscovered some old time favorities. This zoo is definitely worth the visit and maybe a repeat the next time we are in town.
Old time favorites - Mr Bear was almost giving us a "so glad you came, come on give me a five" look.
Or a Tarkin who seems to be smiling :)
1) Did you know that there are three subspecies of tiger that are extinct! - three!!!!
2) Did you know that the Amur tiger is the largest cat in the world
3) Did you know that a common kitty cat can out run a tiger...imagine that!